Data Layers and Server-Side Tag Management

data layers and server-side tag management

There is a lot going on in analytics right now – much of it catalyzed by browser privacy changes. These changes can be scary! We’re now in a world that’s considering server-side tracking. As a front-end guy, that’s super intimidating. I have about 10 blog posts that are half-written. One talks about the state of … Read more

What is Adobe Tag Manager?

Adobe Tag Manager

I hear this question pretty frequently. There’s Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Manager, Google Tag Manager – certainly there MUST be an Adobe Tag Manager… right? Well, yes and no. Adobe Tag Manager (version 1) was the original tag management solution for the Adobe Marketing Cloud. This was when tag management … Read more

Data Layer or CSS Selectors?

JS and CSS Selectors

So… should you use a data layer? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes. I’ll explain why. This is a simple concept, but I’ve worked with enough experienced analysts who still do not buy into this best practice. I’ve heard every excuse of why someone won’t implement a data layer and as I get older it’s … Read more

Adobe Launch: Rule Conditions Guide

Last Update: 8/24/23 Adobe Launch’s (now Adobe Data Collection Tags) Rule Conditions section enables users to apply constraints to event triggers. For instance, it might not be in one’s best interest to load a conversion pixel on every page. The rule needs to be more specific. That’s why we use rule conditions! Remember that this … Read more

Adobe Launch: Data Elements Guide

Data Elements Guide

Last Update: 8/24/23 You’re missing the boat if you aren’t using Data Elements in Adobe Launch (now Adobe Data Collection Tags). Data Elements are built so you don’t have to rely on JavaScript or type the same text over and over again. Using Data Elements saves a whole lot of time and makes your rules … Read more

Adobe DTM vs. Launch

As you know, Adobe’s Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM) is being replaced with Adobe Launch. That doesn’t mean the platform will be shut down anytime soon, but it does mean you should consider migrating your implementation to Adobe Launch in the near future. One question you’ll want answered before migrating is: “What’s the difference between Adobe Launch … Read more

The Future of Tag Management

Tag management is still relatively new. What was the first TMS? TagMan? It was probably another one… my memory is a bit fuzzy. Though still young, the industry has evolved through several iterations. The early tag management systems relied on templates. The language everyone spoke was in the context of these templates. “We have a template … Read more

Site Tagging Deployment Process – TMS Q&A

When is it safe to deploy tags on my website via a tag management system? In every organization I’ve worked with, the same question has come up. “How do we ensure non-developers with access to our TMS can’t just publish any rule at any time?” The answer is always the same – restrict users via … Read more

How to Load Adobe Target Standard in Adobe DTM

Update: Adobe Target Standard can now be loaded into Dynamic Tag Manager via the “Load Synchronously” option within the Adobe Target tool options: I haven’t yet tested to see if it works – but it sounds like it’s close to an equivalent of a Page Load Rule that just fires off in the header with some … Read more