Adobe Target Standard Goal Considerations

When you create goals in an A/B test, goals are an important consideration. It’s important to understand whether someone who completes a goal can do so multiple times in one session or lifetime. Let’s cut right to the chase – it isn’t clear in Adobe Target Standard whether a goal can be completed once or multiple times in … Read more

Adobe Target Standard vs. Optimizely

When shopping around for an A/B testing tool, I was searching for some key terms “Optimizely compared with…” or “Visual Website Optimizer vs….” – as a current Target Standard customer, it would have been nice to have had a guide that pits Target Standard against… well… anything. So without further adieu, Target Standard vs. Optimizely Optimizely I consider … Read more

Setting Custom Goals in Target Standard

Today we’ll talk about setting up custom page load goals in Adobe Target Standard without limiting yourself to the out-of-the-box functionality. The problem I was having was that sometimes a page will load and the URL will persist. Sometimes it’s through AJAX or other times it just by nature (set by cookie, for instance). I needed … Read more

How to Load Adobe Target Standard in Adobe DTM

Update: Adobe Target Standard can now be loaded into Dynamic Tag Manager via the “Load Synchronously” option within the Adobe Target tool options: I haven’t yet tested to see if it works – but it sounds like it’s close to an equivalent of a Page Load Rule that just fires off in the header with some … Read more

Adventures with Adobe Target Standard

Hello adventurers, welcome to our first installment of Adventures with Adobe Target Standard! Not familiar with Adobe Target Standard? It’s an A/B Testing tool designed to be simple enough that “even a marketer can use it!” Poor marketers – always being used as a hyperbole for the lowest common denominator. I sometimes wonder what the generic “Marketer” … Read more