Single vs. Multiple Datasets in AEP

Single vs Multiple Datasets in AEP

So you’re modernizing your implementation by moving to AEP and you have a bunch of websites. One of the first concepts you’re introduced to in AEP is that of Datasets. It’s the place where your data goes when you send data into AEP. It’s pretty important – and it’s probably one of the first decisions … Read more

Make Launch Better: The Web SDK Extension

Make Launch Better - Web SDK Extension

If I could have anything in 2024, I would like for Adobe to completely redo their Web SDK extension in Launch (Data Collection Tags). This article is not an instruction manual on how to use it. In fact, I’d like to just forget about that for now. Some friends and I were discussing AEP implementation … Read more

Adobe Summit Guide for Newbies

Adobe Summit for Newbies

The 2024 Adobe Summit will be maybe my 10th Adobe Summit? 12th? Can’t remember, doesn’t matter. What matters is I’ve pretty much done everything. I’ve stayed in AirBNBs, other strip hotels, gone without a pass, been to pretty much every restaurant at the Venetian, walked through every booth, been to the Bash. The point is: … Read more

The AEP Mindset

The AEP Mindset

The evolution of the analytics industry has taken us through some fascinating transitions. Specifically AEP has introduced a new paradigm in digital marketing. As a marketing cloud leader, it is a model for how these SaaS products should be packaged. With that said, a new tool paradigm inherently means we have to change the way … Read more

Where’s all this AI stuff heading?

AI Stuff

This is a post about AI. Everything I’m about to write is incorrect. However, barring some overreaching legislation, I am confident it’s accurate. If that doesn’t pique your interest, I don’t blame you. My article on AEP Datasets is coming out soon enough. If you look at my last 4 or 5 thought pieces, you … Read more



The Digital Analytics Association (DAA) announced today (Jan. 8, 2024) that they are shutting down operations. This marks the end of an era. According to their email: We have seen decreased community engagement with DAA over the past few years, and, in turn, decreased funding, so we must close. This comes after (anecdotally) lackluster attendance … Read more

Adobe AEP Guide: Datastreams

AEP Guide Data Streams

Let’s get straight to the point. Datastreams make sure data gets from your source (like a website) to your destination (like AEP). A datastream can also transform your data from ugly to pretty (or bad to good) with the Edit Mapping feature (AKA “Data Prep”). Additionally, the Edit Mapping section (Data Prep) lets you pass … Read more